Friday 22 November 2013

Taylor Swift Ikke En God Pasform For Victoria's Secret Fashion Show: Siger Angel Jessica Hart

Ligner Taylor Swift har nogle blandede anmeldelser fra hendes optræden på Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

Sangeren tog scenen på Lexington tøjhus i NYC på onsdag, November 13, belting ud hendes hit melodier som en sværm af VS skønheder gik banen i knap-der påklædning.

Og mens den "Jeg vidste du var problemer med" sanger kan har erklæret sig "Best Friends Forever" med et par af Victoria's Secret Angels, herunder Lily Aldridge, Erin Heatherton og Cara Delevingne, ikke alle supermodel synger den sangfugl roser.

"Jeg tror, du ved hvad, Gud velsigne hende [Taylor Swift] hjertet. Jeg tror hun er stor,"sagde Hart til Dametøj dagligt på seriens afterparty før du kaster en skygge på sangeren. "Men, jeg kender, mig, hun ikke passede. Jeg ved ikke, hvis jeg skal sige der."


Spurgte, om de syv-tiden Grammy vinder kunne trække ud for at være en Victoria Secret model, svarede den 27-årige australske skønhed blot, "Nej"

"Jeg tror hvad du finde, at for mange af os, vi har arbejdet for 14, 15 år; hvad det tager for at gøre det her kommer fra erfaring og selvtillid og at vide, hvordan man kan være sikker på dig selv, "forklarede hun. "Jeg tror det kommer med alderen. Det er absolut benchmark for alle arbejdspladser."

Mens Hart ikke kan være Taylors største fan, virker det som om sangeren har fundet en ny BFF i model Cara Delevingne, der også tidligere dateret sangerens ex Harry Styles (boybander og land cutie opdelt i januar 2013, mens Harry og Cara blev kædet sammen med i September).

Modellen i øjeblikket delt en yndig Instagram pic af pals poserer sammen backstage på showet, captioning foto, "Trouble x 2".

I den frække selfie stikker Cara sin tunge ud Miley Cyrus-stil som Swift gør en chokeret udtryk, og besties blev også set deler en venlig butt slag på scenen.

Double trouble, ja — træde varsomt, Harry!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

This joyous performance will do more for fashion's health than Femen stunts

Fashion week is one of those things that completely dominate your life for eight weeks of every year. (That's four cities, twice around, in spring and autumn.) Or else it catches your eye from the middle shelf of your supermarket's print section every once in a while.

If you're a fashion journalist or designer, chances are you've been living on instant ramen and Alka-Seltzer for the past month, observing "momentous" shifts. If you're anybody else, absolutely nothing has changed. There's a disconnect between real time and fashion time that makes it difficult for things that might seem fantastically controversial during fashion week to cross over into the mainstream.

To the fashion press, Marc Jacobs dressing Cara Delavigne and Georgia Jagger in flat shoes with thick, straw-coloured bobbed wigs was a pivotal moment in New York this season. To the rest of the world, it was a couple of people with scarecrow hair.

I'm sure you get the point. It's hard for fashion to hold people's attention for longer than the 15 seconds it takes to describe what Victoria Beckham wore to dinner with Karl Lagerfeld last night. Of course, we've learned to acknowledge the economic importance of fashion. Because, while the manic month of shows is about as familiar to most of us as the idea of buying a Saint Laurent tube dress for £1,500, the fashion industry is a behemoth of employment.

We're also learning about the importance of the representation of women in the industry. There is still a distinct lack of diversity – from the high street right up to the shows. White models outnumber all other ethnicities combined. And the line that fashion is for thin people might be the most tired of clichés, but that doesn't stop it from being 100% accurate.
Fashion is certainly a wonderful expression of art and culture and anyone who brushes it off as entirely shallow or frivolous is missing the point – but inclusive and accessible it is not.

Which is why those with a keen interest in the industry become especially alert when fashion stories go mainstream? And those moments are, more often than not, to do with issues of female representation. Heroin chic is an obvious example, which directed the public's gaze to the protruding ribs of its fashion icons. John Galliano's anti-Semitic rant was another. In fact, anorexia, drugs and racism are the three main reasons my dad might call me up to inquire nervously whether I really think it's a good idea to aspire to being a fashion editor.

Sure, it can be a pretty cruel world. Which is probably why nobody was particularly surprised to see Femen, the feminist protest group, storming the catwalk at Nina Ricci in Paris on Friday, chests daubed with the messages: "Model don't go to brothel" and "Fashion Dictaterror".

It's not hard to see how Femen would come to the conclusion that the fashion industry is a hostile, intolerant place; and, in the past few years, there has been some pretty depressing coverage of just how bad it can be. The recent documentary, Girl Model, featuring 13-year-old girls scouted in Siberia and sent to Japan where they're swindled into running up huge debts by agencies, isn't a particularly reassuring snapshot of the modeling world. The fact that so many of these young girls are forced into the sex trade because they're left to fend for themselves, broke in a country where they can't even read the road signs, is certainly good reason to highlight unhealthy attitudes towards women.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Newport International Group Barcelona Fashion

Italien – Fashion Koryphäen Domenico Dolce und Stefano Gabbana wurden zu Haftstrafen verurteilt in Italien Mittwoch für 40,4 Millionen Euro in Form von Steuern an die italienische Regierung zahlen versäumt, ihren Anwalt und Staatsanwalt sagte.

"Diesmal war es nicht der Fall, wie die Rechnung für Auto-Reparatur,", sagte Staatsanwalt Laura Pedio des Verbrechens für die Mode-Duo verurteilt wurde. "Diesmal ist es ernst, komplizierte, anspruchsvolle Steuer betrug Verbrechen."

Beide Männer wurden zu einem Jahr und acht Monaten verurteilt, im Gefängnis und neben ihre in Form von Steuern Schulden, sagte zu eine Geldstrafe von 500.000 Euro zu zahlen. Ihren Anwalt, Massimo Dinoia, schwor, dass die Verteidigung plant, den Überzeugungen sowie die damit verbundenen Geldbußen und Sätze zu appellieren.

"Dolce und Gabbana nicht ins Gefängnis, jetzt oder nie gehen," sagte Dinoia.
Vier weitere zugeordnet die Luxusmarke Dolce & Gabbana — einschließlich Domenicos Bruder Alfonso Dolce und Unternehmen-Steuerberater Luciano Patelli — auch Gesicht Gefängnis Zeit, obwohl Dinoia und Pedio von ihren Satzlänge nicht kannten. Während die Entscheidung in einem Milan-Gericht Mittwochvormittag angekündigt wurde, hat Behörden Informationen an die Medien oder öffentliche nicht sofort freigegeben.

Nach Pedio fanden die Ermittler, dass zwischen 2004 und 2007 Dolce und Gabbana versäumt, die italienische Behörden über ein Ableger-Unternehmen zu erzählen, die sie in Luxemburg, Angebotserstellung Italien Millionen Euro an Steuern eingerichtet würde.

"Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Satz", sagte der Staatsanwalt. "Es war eine sehr aufwendige (Verwendung von einer offshore-Gesellschaft), dass erschien juristische, aber rechtswidrig war."

Der Mode-Magnaten Verteidigung Team sagte, dass dies eine weitreichende Urteil war. In einer Erklärung sagte die Anwälte das Gericht gefunden, Dolce und Gabbana unschuldig "an den Vorwurf der unfaithfully erklärt ihre Einkünfte," auch wenn die beiden Männer verurteilt wurden, auf eine "Steuern Erklärung Auslassung."

Es ist nicht klar, wie die Gerichtsentscheidung die stockwerkartig Dolce & Gabbana Gesellschaft auswirken wenn überhaupt.

Die zwei Stylisten debütierte ihre Marke in einem Oktober 1985-Show in Mailand. Seitdem haben sie zu einem der weltweit bekanntesten explodierte und gewünschte Mode-Unternehmen, mit einer Reihe von Produkten und speichert aus Aserbaidschan nach Katar nach Singapur, um die Vereinigten Staaten und an vielen Orten dazwischen.

Read more:

Thursday 27 June 2013

Newport International Group: Pink is in, even for fashion conservatives

Put yourself in pink. Get tickled pink. If you think this is bad advice for your conservative tastes, you haven’t seen the many shades of pink ahead. The fall collections here and in Europe offer everything from pale blush to Day-Glo, neon, acid and shocking pink, with soft pastels in between. Pink is also regarded as the shade that’s complementary to almost all complexions.

John Patrick’s wool and cashmere knits for Organic would be a good way to start. You might, for instance, begin thinking pink with the cropped cardigan (illustrated above), then move on to a shift dress and/or skirt. The cashmere yarns are selected from waste of industrial knitted panels, and the yarns are “CO2 neutral.” When we asked the designer why he chose the “soft pink,” flamingos and fuchsias for his fall collection, he answered, “Because pink makes people happy.”

Newport International Group: Pink is in, even for fashion conservatives

Put yourself in pink. Get tickled pink. If you think this is bad advice for your conservative tastes, you haven’t seen the many shades of pink ahead. The fall collections here and in Europe offer everything from pale blush to Day-Glo, neon, acid and shocking pink, with soft pastels in between. Pink is also regarded as the shade that’s complementary to almost all complexions.

John Patrick’s wool and cashmere knits for Organic would be a good way to start. You might, for instance, begin thinking pink with the cropped cardigan (illustrated above), then move on to a shift dress and/or skirt. The cashmere yarns are selected from waste of industrial knitted panels, and the yarns are “CO2 neutral.” When we asked the designer why he chose the “soft pink,” flamingos and fuchsias for his fall collection, he answered, “Because pink makes people happy.”